see inline.

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Johan Grönqvist

> I hope others try to answer as well, as I probably do not know enough to
> help you solve it.
> 2012-05-05 21:37, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen skrev:
>    File
>> "/home/kjetil/sage/sage-5.0.**rc0/devel/sagenb/sagenb/misc/**",
>> line
>> 134, in find_next_available_port
>>         raise RuntimeError, "no available port."
>>     RuntimeError: no available port.
>> ****************************************************************
>> **********
> From looking at the file:
> Sage loops through all ports in some interval, looking for one it can use,
> but does not find any. This is also the reason you fail to start the
> notebook, I would guess.
> Do you use anything that may affect sage's ability to open ports?

  My problem with answering is that I don't really know anything about
"ports" . I guess that has something to do with networking,
but nbothing more! Any hints about books/papers/netplaces to read to learn
about "ports"?

>  sage -t  -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/**"
>> ****************************************************************
>> **********
>> File "/home/kjetil/sage/sage-5.0.**rc0/devel/sage/sage/tests/**
>> line 314:
>>     sage: err
>> Expected:
>> ''
>> Got:
>> 'WARNING: Configuration file ipythonrc not found. Ignoring request.
> Here, the test tries to start "./sage --ipython" and ask it to compute
> "3**33", but it warns about a configuration file missing. If you run
> "./sage --ipython", do you get a nice prompt where you can type 3**33?
> OK, this is what is happening:  (again, whitin an emacs shell)

kjetil@kjetil:~/sage/sage-5.0.rc0$ ./sage --ipython
WARNING: Configuration file ipythonrc not found. Ignoring request.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 66, in load
    fname = filefind(fname,incpath)
line 554, in filefind
    ' not found in current or supplied directories:' + `alt_dirs`
IOError: File'ipythonrc' not found in current or supplied

WARNING: Problems loading configuration file 'ipythonrc'
Starting with default -bare bones- configuration.
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

in force_import(modname, force_reload)
     61         reload(sys.modules[modname])
     62     else:
---> 63         __import__(modname)

ImportError: Bad magic number in /home/kjetil/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.pyc
WARNING: /home/kjetil/.ipython/ does not exist, please run
WARNING: Loading of ipy_user_conf failed.

Python 2.7.2 (default, May  3 2012, 22:40:27)
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In [1]: 3**33

Out[1]: 5559060566555523

In [2]:


> On my wheezy:
> ------------------------------**----------
> johan@johan-laptop:~/**Applications/sage-5.0.rc0$ ./sage --ipython
> Python 2.7.2 (default, May  2 2012, 23:01:21)
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> IPython 0.10.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
> ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
> %quickref -> Quick reference.
> help      -> Python's own help system.
> object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
> In [1]: 3**33
> Out[1]: 5559060566555523
> In [2]:
> ------------------------------**-----
>  On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen
>> < <>> wrote:
>>    I downloaded the rc0 for sage 5.0, compiled without problems, and
>>    then run make test
>>    This was reported:
>>    The following tests failed:
>>         sage -t  -force_lib "devel/sagenb-main/sagenb/**misc/"
>>         sage -t  -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/**"
>>    Total time for all tests: 12211.8 seconds
>>    make: *** [test] Error 128
>>    ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**----------------------------
>>    This is debian wheezy amd64, with
>>    ~/sage/sage-5.0.rc0 $ gcc --version
>>    gcc (Debian 4.6.3-1) 4.6.3
>>    Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There
>>    is NO
>>    warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
>>    PURPOSE.
>>    Kjetil
>>    --
>>    "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on
>>    the human face - forever."
>>    George Orwell (1984)
>> --
>> "If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the
>> human face - forever."
>> George Orwell (1984)
>> --
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"If you want a picture of the future - imagine a boot stamping on the human
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George Orwell (1984)

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