On 2012-03-26, Emil <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 March 2012 17:37, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2012-03-25, Emil <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've also been using CSDP from Sage lately. I am calling the
>>> stand-alone program, rather than using the Python interface (which
>>> isn't a very good solution).
>> why?  Is it buggy?
> Well, you can't stop/pause/save intermediate solutions. 
Can Csdp do this for you? I doubt it can. 
A user interrupt would need to propagate all the way to Csdp and be
gracefully processed by it. Doing this right in a multithreaded
application is not easy.

> Changing
> options means writing to a parameters file. 
parameters *file* ?
Well, this does not look nice, but perhaps it's again 
a limitation of Csdp? Which would be easy to fix, of course.

> Precision could be lost in
> the double->string->double translations (?).
why would you think there is such a translation?
IMHO Python has bindings (PyFloat_FromDouble, etc) allowing one to go from its 
floats to C floats/doubles
and back without resorting to this.
I imagine Cython uses these bindings too.

>>> I was wondering whether using pycsdp is the right way to go though.
>>> Wouldn't it be best to write a small Cython wrapper for the C library?
>>> (I was planning at some point to do this myself.)
>> well, if pycsdp works, then why you might want another interface?
> I don't know, i was only asking a question! (I guess I looked at the
> code and thought that it would be lot simpler in Cython, but as you
> say it is already written in the way it is...)
I was just answering a qiestion :)

> Emil

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