On Mar 28, 10:43 pm, Jeffrey <jeffrey.deni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm working on a Mac G5 & trying to install Sage. Darwin needs

Great, another PPC Mac user!

> So I end up with Sage folders inside of the site-package inside
> Python, and that inside Sage also inside site-packages inside another
> Python. It's a maze of folders. Where can I get some clarity on what

One of the Pythons in question is a symlink to the other Python.
That's so that 'python' works, instead of 'python-2.6' or whatever.

But Niles is right.  You should be able to download Sage and "just use
it".   One of the things at http://sagemath.org/mirror/osx/powerpc/index.html
should work for you.  I'm pretty sure that G4 binaries should work on
a G5; certainly a 10.4 binary will work on 10.5.

If you still encounter difficulties, please don't hesitate to reply
*and* include more details about the kind of errors you see/things you
have tried.

- kcrisman

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