Hi Jeffrey,

I think you're working too hard to install Sage.  For Mac, you just
need to copy the "sage" folder from the installer disk to your
"Applications" folder, and then open it and run the "sage" executable
with Terminal.  The same works for the sage app bundle.  In either
case, you should not do any more copying than just from the install
disk to your Applications folder.


On Mar 29, 3:18 am, "Justin C. Walker" <jus...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't tell whether you've had any experience with Sage before, so I'll 
> assume not.
> On Mar 28, 2011, at 19:43 , Jeffrey wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I'm working on a Mac G5 & trying to install Sage. Darwin needs
> > packages installed in site-packages within Python folders in
> > Frameworks. But the Sage binary has two versions of Python inside Sage
> > with additional packages & more Sage folders inside the various
> > Python  versions.
> > So I end up with Sage folders inside of the site-package inside
> > Python, and that inside Sage also inside site-packages inside another
> > Python. It's a maze of folders. Where can I get some clarity on what
> > exactly needs to be installed inside one copy of Python2.7 site-
> > packages?
> First, I think there is only one copy of python in a Sage tree.  Can you post 
> what you think you're seeing?  Also, Sage currently uses Python 2.6 
> (included), not 2.7 (or whatever versions you may already have installed).
> Second, a Sage installation should (with rare exceptions) contain all the 
> pieces it needs; it does not rely on already-installed components (like 
> Python).  Because Sage brings together so many disparate pieces, relying on a 
> patchwork of components as installed on a random system would be a 
> never-ending support headache.
> Third, you don't mention what OS you're running; that would be good to know.
> Finally, Sage comes in two forms: a full source tarball which usually 
> (often?) will build w/o a problem if you have the development tool-chain 
> installed; and a system-specific "binary" tar-ball which you should be able 
> to install and have it "just work".
> How are you doing your "installation"?
> Justin
> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
> Director
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
> --------
> "Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals.
>  Well, except the weasel."
>       - Homer J Simpson
> --------

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