On Thursday 03 February 2011, Francois Maltey wrote:
> Thomas Gueuning wrote :
> > When I use this code, I don't understand why y^3 is still there
> > because I think this is equal to y for both 0 and 1. So why the
> > Groebner basis is [y^3 + y, x^2 + y^2 + 1, x*y] and not [x+y+1,x*y],
> > which should be reduced to [x+y+1]. I tried to add a modulus but it
> > does'nt seem to work. I am quite disappointed because all the interest
> > of Groebner basis in cryptanalysis is that the degree of polynomes
> > don't grow a lot due to the fact that x^2 + x =0.
> You also can type :
> sage: RR.<x,y> = GF(2)[]  # it means that variables are x and y.
> You may add ideal generators : y^2-y and x^2-x.
> In the polynomial space x^2 != x : degree aren't the same.
> But in the quotient you have x^2=x as you expect if x==0 or x==1.
> Then the Groebner basis is almost what you want :
> sage: ideal([x**2+y**2+1,x*y,x^2-x,y^2-y]).groebner_basis()
> [y^2 + y, x + y + 1]
> The second polynom is x+y+1 and you may forgot y^2+y.
> I don't know how you can proof that you get exactly the right result.
> Order over degree changes the Groebner basis...
> F. who maybe makes a mistake...


perhaps a look at the introduction of


will help to clarify things a bit (also in terms of what you use in Sage) 

Let P = F[x_1,...,x_n]. Essentially, there is a one-to-one correspondence 
between ideals I in P/Q and J = I + Q if Q is an ideal in P. 

Since the OP mentions cryptanalysis I assume he wants to solve systems of 
equations over the base field GF(2). In this case, the quotient P/<x_1^2 - 
x_1,...x_n^2-x_n> is precisely the right one to use since x_i^2 - x_i has the 
roots 0, 1 and no root in the extension. Thus, the only possible solutions to 
the common system have components in GF(2).

More details for example in my thesis (Section 3.6): 


name: Martin Albrecht
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_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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