>Just about that, yes, you can use Sage just as a distribution of scientific
>software. On the commanline, just enter $ sage -sh and you are inside the so
>called sage environment. There, you can start any of it's programs, and in
>your case, you can start R and install the R commander. Via this environment
>you basically bypass everything of sage and you have direct control of all
>tools. (i.e. theoretically, you could download and install a binary version
>of R from their website while being in that environment, replacing the one
>from sage)
>Unfortunately, I tried it and I got errors installing the Rcmdr package ..


For sake of completeness I have to add that I just did

sage -sh
install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE)

in my fresh sage build, and R Commander is working as expected.
Truly great stuff ...

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