On Jan 5, 9:15 am, emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The tests for that are optional - we can't assume every system with
> > Sage has the right stuff, unfortunately.  Why the VM image *and*
> > Ubuntu binaries don't have it is a mystery; my guess is that they are
> > compiled on some virtual machine on some other machine, and that the
> > virtual machine is a minimal setup.  I don't know where those binaries
> > are created, though.
> > - kcrisman
> I understand the reasoning and that it is impossible to have every
> feature working out of the box on every machine. In case of plotting
> in R I think this is one of the finest parts of that package, so its a
> shame it is problematic.
> I was always ignorant of sage -testall --optional! ;-) I always
> thought I am very thouroughgoing with my sage -testall after each
> installation.
> Hm, does R need the Xorg - dev headers to work properly? Thats the

Well, I don't know why, but they apparently think so.  It's in the
documentation that this (or something like it) should be in to build
these things.  I really need to ask their devel list someday...

- kcrisman

> only reason I can imagine it is not feasable to build that into a
> standard binary (X and linpng should be there in 99.99 % of Ubuntu
> installs). I am not sure about it, because I have tested an R package
> without those headers installed, and demo(graphics) worked fine. The
> VM is a different story, but it should be possible to build one where
> plotting is working.
> emil

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