On Dec 28, 6:23 pm, Santanu Sarkar <sarkar.santanu....@gmail.com>
> Size of my matrix is (90, 36) with entries are around 2^1000. What is the
> fastest
> method  to compute Hermite Normal Form?

In that case, the fastest may be the default one you are already
using. Note that computing the Hermite form is fast, the hard part is
computing the transformation matrix.

> In my matrix number of rows greater than number of columns. That is
> A=  random_matrix(ZZ, 90, 36). Then how can I calculate  transformation
> matrix
> of LLL?

I made a mistake, if the lattice is represented by the rows, then it
is not A\B but trans_matrix = A.solve_left(B), look at the
documentation of the methods.

trans_matrix * A = B

express the rows of B as combinations of rows of A

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