Quoting emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com>:

Dear Emil,
first of all, I leave for the end of the week tomorrow so if you answer this message, don't be astonished if I do not react.

Yesterday, it was impossible to download from the swiss domain so I went on


But as I am writting this lines I tryed to go on the swiss domain and today it works --- yesterday it do not accepted the username/password association.

I have verifyed the checksum it's perfect. But unfortunately windows continue to says that it is not a valid windows program.

It seems that I could work with the iso file, but unfortunately as I am a new commer to vmware, I don't know how to setup the mouse and then I could nopt type set any command because I have not been able to setup my keyboard.

An other problem is that I don't know how to change the size of the virtual machine.
I am going to test the cd

Just before closing. I think Sage work from the iso file but it's so slow that I think I will be waiting if ever there will be a cygwin version.



On 27 Dez., 09:56, Cyrille Piatecki <cyrille.piate...@univ-orleans.fr>
Quoting emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com>:

Dear Emil,

I will check your comments this afternoon.
Our comments crossed in the Aether ...
Butr I must say that  
yesterday I have follow your advise and tryed the pupy way. So I have  
dowloaded the Iso and the exe file.
Which download place did you use?

After more than two hours, it was  
too late to try to use the exe but I was able to transfert the iso on  
a cd.
You downloaded from France?

Early this morning, I have tryed to use the exe file but it tels me  
that's not a windows file --- perhaps a loading problem.
You can check the integrity of the download by comparing the md5
checksum. The command is
md5sum filename. The md5sums of the downloads should be in the

And the cd  
doesn't boot

How did you burn the iso to CD?
You have to burn the iso as iso (then it will be able to boot). If you
burn the iso as normal data then it will not work ...

Some times all goes wrong.

In my experience there is a learning curve in everything and lot of
things can go wrong. If you have done it 10 times then its easy, but
the first time is
often painfull (but it shouldn't necessarily be that way imo).

Did you follow my brief instructions on http://boxen.math.washington.edu/home/emil/doc/html/en
I try to give a working Howto, but of course there is much space for
If you have any comments or suggestions on it I'll try to use it.

I have also an other question Is there a procedure to load an iso file  
directly on vmware or any other virtualiser.
IF you have a bootable iso file you can use any virtualisation
software to run it.
I ran the isofile of sagelive in vmware, virtualbox and Qemu.

In principle you have to say: create new VM. then choose that virtual
CD is set to the isofile.
Choose 512 MB Ram (instead of default 256) in VM settings. If you just
want then harddisk settings don't matter.
Then you can test the iso in the VM (thats what I do when creating iso

However producing a well working virtual machine image like the
official one is a bit tricky and more involved.
I am currently trying to make such an image from my iso, but I won't
finish it during christmas holidays.



I will try to make a download from the given locations from the exe
file and the iso in the evening (no time now - skiing with the kids),
could you please send me your computer specs (OS version (XP,
Vista, /-32 or 7-64, RAM). Then I can post a detailled howto.

> On 26 Dez., 10:57, emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Cyrille,

>> sage-vmware.vmdsk is the virtual harddisk file. I have done a
>> installation of the virtual machine recently but I cant recall having
>> that troubles.
>> I will check my install and look where I find this harddisk file and
>> be back later.

> OK,

> I downloaded sage-vmware to desktop and extracted it there.

> The following is extracted from the README.txt with my comments:

> ...

> Installation
> ============

> Installing Sage should take 15 to 20 minutes, less than 2 GB of hard
> drive
> space, and be painless.

> 1. Download sage-vmware-x.y.zip
> --> was sage-vmware-4.6.zip

> 2. Extract it anywhere you want. This will take about 15 minutes
> despite
>    anything Windows tells you.  Do *not* stop the extract halfway
> through
>    and think Sage will still work.)
> --> was faster (maybe 5 min) on my laptop

> 3. Make sure you have installed the free VMware program. See the
> following
>    URL for more information:http://www.vmware.com/products/player/
> -->I have VMplayer 3.1.3 installed

> 4. Double click on sage_vmx in the sage-vmware-x.y directory to run
> Sage.
> --> IMPORTANT: Filename is "sage-vmware" (sage-vmware.vmx) not
> sage_vmx
> -->The virtual disk file is also in the same folder, its name is sage-
> vmware.vmdk.

> Using Sage
> ==========

> 1. When Sage starts up, click in the window (and possibly press
>    Control-G on some computers), then type "notebook" at the prompt to
>    start the Sage notebook server.
> -> This is a change with the new versions. You have 3 Icons to start
> Notebook, Sage on commandline or a terminal.
> -> If you start sagenotebook,in the lower right cornerof the  vm a
> window is shown with an IP adress. This is the IP adress to type in
> the windows-browser (bookmark it?!)

> 2. Now you can use Sage via your web browser from Windows
>    (it's best to use Firefox).
> --> Had no problems with seamonkey and opera

>> May I also point you to the sage windows installer, which is kind of a
>> different approach:http://boxen.math.washington.edu/home/emil/doc/html/en/

> Any feedback?

>> kind regards
>> emil

>> On 26 Dez., 06:59, Cyrille Piatecki <cyrille.piate...@univ-orleans.fr>
>> wrote:

>> > So I have isntalled vmWare Player and double-clicked on  
>> > sage-vmware.vmx as is said in the tutorial but the answer is

>> > File not found: sage-vmware.vmdk
> Since all necessary files should be present if you downloaded the
> correct zip file, I just can think of a wrong setting in the VMplayer
> configuration.

> On the top of the VM-window check Virtual Machine/ Virtual Machine
> settings/ Options (Tab) / Working directory (on right side)

>> > Thanks

>> > Cyrille

> merry christmas

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