Quoting emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com>:

Dear Emil,

I will check your comments this afternoon. Butr I must say that yesterday I have follow your advise and tryed the pupy way. So I have dowloaded the Iso and the exe file. After more than two hours, it was too late to try to use the exe but I was able to transfert the iso on a cd.

Early this morning, I have tryed to use the exe file but it tels me that's not a windows file --- perhaps a loading problem. And the cd doesn't boot

Some times all goes wrong.

I have also an other question Is there a procedure to load an iso file directly on vmware or any other virtualiser.



On 26 Dez., 10:57, emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Cyrille,

sage-vmware.vmdsk is the virtual harddisk file. I have done a
installation of the virtual machine recently but I cant recall having
that troubles.
I will check my install and look where I find this harddisk file and
be back later.


I downloaded sage-vmware to desktop and extracted it there.

The following is extracted from the README.txt with my comments:



Installing Sage should take 15 to 20 minutes, less than 2 GB of hard
space, and be painless.

1. Download sage-vmware-x.y.zip
--> was sage-vmware-4.6.zip

2. Extract it anywhere you want. This will take about 15 minutes
   anything Windows tells you.  Do *not* stop the extract halfway
   and think Sage will still work.)
--> was faster (maybe 5 min) on my laptop

3. Make sure you have installed the free VMware program. See the
   URL for more information: http://www.vmware.com/products/player/
-->I have VMplayer 3.1.3 installed

4. Double click on sage_vmx in the sage-vmware-x.y directory to run
--> IMPORTANT: Filename is "sage-vmware" (sage-vmware.vmx) not
-->The virtual disk file is also in the same folder, its name is sage-

Using Sage

1. When Sage starts up, click in the window (and possibly press
   Control-G on some computers), then type "notebook" at the prompt to
   start the Sage notebook server.
-> This is a change with the new versions. You have 3 Icons to start
Notebook, Sage on commandline or a terminal.
-> If you start sagenotebook,in the lower right cornerof the  vm a
window is shown with an IP adress. This is the IP adress to type in
the windows-browser (bookmark it?!)

2. Now you can use Sage via your web browser from Windows
   (it's best to use Firefox).
--> Had no problems with seamonkey and opera

May I also point you to the sage windows installer, which is kind of a
different approach:http://boxen.math.washington.edu/home/emil/doc/html/en/

Any feedback?

kind regards

On 26 Dez., 06:59, Cyrille Piatecki <cyrille.piate...@univ-orleans.fr>

> So I have isntalled vmWare Player and double-clicked on  
> sage-vmware.vmx as is said in the tutorial but the answer is

> File not found: sage-vmware.vmdk
Since all necessary files should be present if you downloaded the
correct zip file, I just can think of a wrong setting in the VMplayer

On the top of the VM-window check Virtual Machine/ Virtual Machine
settings/ Options (Tab) / Working directory (on right side)

> Thanks

> Cyrille

merry christmas

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