On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:24 PM, S. Robert James wrote:
I didn't receive a response on this. If the question isn't clear,
please let me know what needs to be clarified.
I'm sure my request isn't unique: one of the major goals of Sage is to
provide a platform that allows people to _verify_ it, which is par for
the course for any mathematician. I'd like to see the steps Sage uses
to convert the sum I give it (or what not) to the form it chooses.
For the most part, the answer to that question is if you want to see
what went on you have to read the source. It is possible that some
functions (maxima?) has a verbose mode, but that may not be what you
- Robert
On Jun 25, 2:44 pm, "S. Robert James" <srobertja...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. Checking out sage, and it's amazing. I'm a bit overwhelmed by
size, though... I intend to use it to handle some of the messy
algebraic manipulations while I work on combinatorics. Can anyone
help with these questions:
1) When I enter a sum in sage:
> h = sum(h_m, m, 1, 2*n)/2*n # h_m is already defined in terms
of m
and n
sage gives me an answer in closed algebraic form. That's great. But
I'd like to know how it simplified it. Is there anyway to have Sage
"show it's work"? That is, show the steps it took to rewrite my sum
into the closed form .
(As a beginner, I'm not sure if I'm using Sage right - so it's very
important for me to be able to verify what it does.)
2) Now, when I tell sage to display h, it displays it in simplified
form. Great. But I'd also like to be able to print out the original
definition - how can I do that?
In general, both of these questions relate to the same concern: Sage
is great; but I don't want to follow it blindly. I'd like to be able
to query what I put in, what Sage converted it to, and how.
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