Am Mittwoch, den 02.06.2010, 06:34 -0700 schrieb kcrisman:
> sage: matrix([[1,1,-2,1,1,-2],[-2,1,1,-2,1,1],[1,-2,1,1,-2,1]])
> [ 1  1 -2  1  1 -2]
> [-2  1  1 -2  1  1]
> [ 1 -2  1  1 -2  1]
> sage: M = _
> sage: M
> <bound method NullTranslations.ugettext of <gettext.NullTranslations
> instance at 0x10eacf8c0>>
> I thought that not so long ago _ was a reference to the object in the
> previous thing, but now apparently (I don't know what NullTranslations
> is, but I'm guessing) when _repr_ is called I get _ to be whatever the
> return value of its output is (?).
> As a result, _ becomes substantially less useful.  If I had remembered
> to do
> sage: M = matrix([[1,1,-2,1,1,-2],[-2,1,1,-2,1,1],[1,-2,1,1,-2,1]])
> I would have done so in the first place, but _ is often the easiest
> way to save me from my memory (and yes, I realize the command history
> can help too but _ was the *most* easy way to do it).
> Any ideas on whether I'm doing something wrong?  Or, how to get my old
> behavior back (if it indeed ever existed...)?
> Thanks,
> - kcrisman
I hadn't the time to upgrade, so I'm happy:

| Sage Version 4.3.3, Release Date: 2010-02-21                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: matrix([[11,12],[21,22],[31,32]])
[11 12]
[21 22]
[31 32]
sage: M = _
sage: M
[11 12]
[21 22]
[31 32]

Have a nice day

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  Dr. Eckhard Kosin, selbständiger Diplom-Mathematiker

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