2010/3/27 John Bussoletti <johnbussole...@comcast.net>:
> Sage Dev Staff:
>  I downloaded sage 4.3.4 and tried to build from source on my Fedora Core 12
> system and found the same failure in trying to build Pari.
> So I fiddled and finally built Pari by hand, successfully,  lied to the
> installation process by manually entering an appropriate entry in the
> installed direcotry and tried to continue the build process.  It failed
> immediately trying to build ntl but this time there was a message about a
> problem trying to make the stack executable in libgmp.so.
> It turns out that the default Fedora Core 12 installation turns on SE Linux
> in "Enforcing" mode.  I changed it to "Permissive" and the buld process
> continued.  I still haven't completed a successful build, but now that I've
> discovered some SE Linux interference issues, I'll start with a clean build
> with SE Linux in the "Permissive" or, if necessary, the "Disabled" mode and
> see if that is the issue.
> John Bussoletti

Please report back.

Is there an easy command line way to check whether or not SE Linux is
set to disabled?   If so, we should add that to the prereq check right
at the beginning of building Sage.


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