this is definitely a bug, right ?

sage: k= CyclotomicField(4, "i")
sage: poly= PolynomialRing(k, "x")
sage: x= poly.gen()
sage: p= 3; K= NumberField(x^2 - p, "r")
sage: i= K( k.gen() )
sage: CDF(i)
2.31897834269e-14 - 1.0*I

So i is converted to roughly -i... which can makes sense as it's just
a choice of a 4-th root of unity. However if you try CDF( k.gen() )
you get

6.12323399574e-17 + 1.0*I

and that makes my life harder. My question is this : i have a bunch of
numbers living in such fields K as above, where p varies. I suspects
these numbers are all equal. How can i coerce them into some common
field where i can test for equality ? (CC just doesn't work, neither
does QQbar).

PS sage 4.1.1.

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