On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:21 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:29 AM, be <bernhard.esslin...@db.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > we added 8 worksheets to the sagenb server.
> > The worksheets contain a course about ECC, and its done in a highly
> > interactive way.
> > See http://sagenb.org/home/pub/1126/  to
> http://sagenb.org/home/pub/1133.
> >
> > We guess that a normal user wants to make use of a published worksheet
> > without any additional effort.
> > But this is not the case. As the graphics are built as interact apps
> > they never seem to work correctly without another trigger for
> > execution. So the user must go through the following steps to see the
> > "cream":
> > - click on "edit a copy"
> >  (what is not intuitive for a normal user, because he doesn't want to
> > edit or change things, but just use them).
> > - click the action "Evaluate All".
> > - and sometimes interact apps still won't work the first time.
> >
> > If we made mistakes in our worksheet programms preventing them from
> > working correctly I am really sorry, but our students really tried and
> > found no better way.
> I'm cross-posting this to
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-notebook/about
> The above is unfortunately currently the best way.    Some relevant
> remarks:
>  (1) I could change the link from "Edit a copy" to something else.
> Suggestions?  "Use this!"
>  (2) I am hiring somebody (thanks to NSF funding) right now to create
> a system for using @interact completely outside of the Sage notebook.
>  I.e., you'll be able to just include them directly into your own
> static html pages on your web page, but all actual computations to
> make the interacts work will secretly behind the scenes use your
> sagenb.org account and be done on sagenb.org.

Please strongly consider the work that I've started here:

The import points of "jquery-interact" are:

1) Make all the forms and sliders be created by
the client side javascript. Only pass data from
the server to the plugin.  This makes it massively
easier for others to use it.

2) Provide a way to use the plugin *without*
a server.  With the Flot javascript plotting library
this is not only possible, but could be very awesome and
useful to many people who just want to have a nice interact
plot, but no backend server (and the extra difficulties that
come along with it).

The more widely applicable it is, the more
eyes and developers can get interested and help out.
I'll be the first one of those developers :-)

The "Example Usage and API" is mostly the proposed
usage.  I thought a good deal about this and studied how
other jquery plugins work.  There is no denying
how amazing the wide range of "drop in"
jquery plugins there are - in fact the Sage Interact
uses several of them already - it will be a big win
if we follow suite with a Interact plugin.


> I can't guarantee
> this project will succeed, but if it does, then it will nicely solve
> your problem (and my problems too).
>  -- William

Alex Clemesha

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