On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Simon King <simon.k...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:
> Dear William,
> On 21 Nov., 10:19, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> I would say that Enthought was a real pioneer in this feature with
>> their "Traits" system long, long before either Mathematica or Sage had
>> this capability.    So maybe the chronology is:
>>    2002 (??): Enthought traites, which makes it really easy to make
>> interactive gui's to manipulate data/python code -- this is a core
>> (but open source) technology that Enthought developed as part of their
>> business model.
>>    2006 (?): Mathematica's Manipulate is introduced, I think in
>> Mathematica 6.   It's declared by Wolfram to be the most important
>> innovation since the wheel.
>>    2007: We had a joint Sage days at Enthought, in which there were
>> several excellent talks by Enthought'ers about how Traits works and
>> what it is.  Seeing this, I coded with little sleep for a week, and
>> wrote Sage's @interact.   This has been subsequently polished by Igor
>> Tolkov, Jason Grout, and many other people.
> Thank you for the clarification!
> But then I wonder why Ram, the original poster, referred to
> Mathematica's manipulate as "Mathematica's interact". Can you tell us
> why?

I can't.

> If this were all based on manipulations of Wolfram (e.g., Mathematica
> occasionally referring to its feature as "interact" until the whole
> world believes they came up with that name, and Wolfram not  giving
> credits to Enthought), then I would really fear that the telephone
> story repeats (e.g. Bell using Meucci's notes and studying Reis'
> device without crediting them, and the word "telephone" is due to
> Reis).
> There was a question in the Sage Survey about what to do with $10^6. I
> really think those brand name / trademark / patent / ... things would
> be worth the money!

I don't really care.  I just want everybody to have first rate
mathematics software that satisfies their needs.   I'm against
software patents, since I do *not* think they contribute to this goal,
and in fact do quite the opposite.


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