> > PS to those who wanted to drop PPC support because of some weird
> > failures - clearly, we still have potential users who aren't buying a
> > new computer soon!
> I suggested dropping support in the sense that I didn't want to have
> to do all the work to maintain support.  When I mentioned that several
> people (including you) stepped up to the plate and have done a great
> job.  So I'm now all for continuing support.

Sweet!  Understood.

> Regarding 32/64-bit, there has never ever been a 64-bit version of
> Sage on any OS X PPC install.  The builds on PPC are all always
> 32-bit.

To the original poster (David); perhaps you'd be interested in
building a 64-bit PPC Sage, to let us know if anything goes wrong?

- kcrisman
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