On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:38 PM, docfleetwood <docfleetw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Newbie question here...
> How stable is the sagenb.org online notebook?  And by stable, I
> mean...
> 1.  Is it for permanent use?


> 2.  How long will my worksheets stay there?

Hopefully indefinitely. However, I can't guarantee that and I *strongly*
recommend that you make backups (just click "Download --> File").

> 3.  Could I have students use it and share items and expect them to be
> there the next day, week, year?


> 4.  There seem to be many sites with the online version. (sagenb.org,
> alpha.sagenb.org, and some others)  Which is the best to use?


> I have tried to d/l Sage but we use Windows at school and it didn't go
> very smoothly on my laptop, to say the least.

Yes, Sage is not yet well designed for Microsoft Windows use.

> The online version
> seems ideal - just start the browser and go.  And you can apparently
> share worksheets!  I just need to know if it is reliable and will
> last.

It's meant to be, thanks to National Science Foundation Grant  DMS-0821725.


> Thanks for such a great program!
> Doc
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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