Hi Doc,

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 2:38 PM, docfleetwood<docfleetw...@gmail.com> wrote:


> 4.  There seem to be many sites with the online version. (sagenb.org,
> alpha.sagenb.org, and some others)  Which is the best to use?

Both http://www.sagenb.com and http://www.sagenb.org are meant to be
used on a regular basis because the version of Sage installed on those
sites is the stable version. In contrast, the site
http://alpha.sagenb.org/ may contain an unstable/development version
of Sage which is used for testing/development/debugging purposes.

> I have tried to d/l Sage but we use Windows at school and it didn't go
> very smoothly on my laptop, to say the least.

At the moment, the only way to use Sage under Windows is as a virtual
machine image using VMware. A native Windows port of Sage is underway.
See this site for more details:


To use Sage under Windows, you should follow the instructions at this site


Anyway, please tell me if you have trouble with downloading/installing
Sage under Windows.

> The online version
> seems ideal - just start the browser and go.

The notebook interface is more or less identical for all operating
systems under which Sage runs. So if you use the notebook under
Windows, then it should be the same when you use it under Mac OS X or

Minh Van Nguyen

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