I think auto_save_interval could refer to worksheets, while
save_interval might refer to nb.sobj.  This is part of the problem
here - there are variables, keywords and page headings (via "Settings"
in the notebook) that are vague or misleading, and even my attempt to
add a bit of documentation to help isn't sufficient to remind me
enough to give an accurate answer.  :-(


On Apr 22, 10:13 am, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Followup:
> > The original patch athttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5371
> > has some comments in it about extending the default save times if you
> > wnt to take immediate action.  Some of the names of these autosave
> > variables are mildly misleading, though this is corrected in some of
> > the patches (above) addressing the situation.
> Apropos of that, what is the difference between auto_save_interval,
> save_interval, idle_check_interval, idle_timeout?  It isn't clear to
> me and I might want to mess with several of them.
> Thanks,
> - kcrisman
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