On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Rob Beezer <goo...@beezer.cotse.net> wrote:
> kcrisman,
> You've discovered the tangle of tickets on this I alluded to
> above.  ;-)
> 1.  You can delete all your old snapshots to reclaim disk space (or
> relieve quota limits in a shared environment).  I used some
> incantation with find, xargs, and rm (carefully) which cleared them
> out for every worksheet all at once.  Like Jason I had a few gigabytes
> worth across about 100 worsheets from about a year's worth of use.
> 2.  I think the performance hit comes from backing up  nb.sobj, from
> the original in .sage/sage_notebook to a collection of backups
> in .sage/backups   The default timing on this is very frequent IIRC.
> My nb.sobj is about 30 MB, but my home directory is on a portable USB
> drive that I shuttle around, so I noticed the delays due to these auto-
> saves perhaps sooner than others might.  I'm not sure what it takes to
> shrink this file.  I set the autosave interval to be about 20 minutes
> and am keeping fewer backups (two instead of three) and  no longer see
> the regular slowdowns as I work in the notebook.

I set the autosave interval on sagenb.org to once per *day*.

Note that even with a long autosave, you loose nothing if you properly
shutdown the server before exiting, since it essentially never

> 3.  When I quit a server that has been running the notebook, it takes
> about 2 minutes for a clean shutdown, which I assume is the same sort
> of action.


> The original patch at http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5371
> has some comments in it about extending the default save times if you
> wnt to take immediate action.  Some of the names of these autosave
> variables are mildly misleading, though this is corrected in some of
> the patches (above) addressing the situation.
> Rob
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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