On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:21 AM, javier <vengor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> just started using SAGE for some research related stuff a couple of
> weeks ago. Is there a way to get the conjugacy classes of a group, in
> the same way as GAP does? I don't quite mean neither
> "conjugacy_classes_subgroups" (which returns conjugacy classes of
> subgroups, not of elements) nor "conjugacy_classes_representatives"
> that returns only one element of each conjugacy class, but something
> like GAP's "ConjugacyClasses".
> So far I solved the problem by defining my groups through GAP, but
> this forces me to use GAP syntax all the time and add lots of ".AsList
> ()" to get access to elements. Is there a better way?

I'm not sure what you mean by better way. Is this what you want?

sage: G = AlternatingGroup(5)
sage: g = G.random_element()
sage: CCg = Set([x*g*x^(-1) for x in G])

> Cheers
> Javier
> >

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