Maurizio wrote:
> Can you open a ticket to add this to the documentation? This certainly
> deserves to be there!


> On 25 Mar, 17:21, Jason Grout <> wrote:
>> Drini wrote:
>>> On Mar 25, 9:22 am, kcrisman <> wrote:
>>>> Is it possible that the cvxopt package could help out?  Your problem
>>>> is not convex optimization per se but maybe it would have something
>>>> useful?  This package uses LAPACK (also part of Sage), which "provides
>>>> routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations".
>>>> Also, is it possible (someone else will have to answer this) that
>>>> using the Pynac symbolic variables could help out?  But Maxima is
>>>> called for solve, so perhaps that wouldn't really help...
>>>> Or could you just use a big matrix and solve it that way?  Maybe I am
>>>> misinterpreting your question.
>>>> I hope *one* of these ideas helps!
>>>> - kcrisman
>>> I'm going to check. Actually, what I'm trying to do is find the
>>> vertices of a polytope given by some hyperplanes (therefore the linear
>>> equations). I know about polymake, but it can't do symbolic
>>> Like
>>> ax+by = 3
>>> bx+dy=5
>>> a,b,c,d constants
>>> I know I could get a matrix and use linear algebra to get a fast
>>> solution without worrying about symbolics
>>> but when the systems are like
>>> ax+by=p
>>> cx+dy=q
>>> with a,b,c,d constants, the vector in Ax=b is not numeric, so I turn
>>> to symbolic solving
>>> (actually those are simplificatinos, I'm doing 9-variable systems)
>>> Thatnks for the hints, I will check the options you meantioned
>> Here it is using linear algebra:
>> sage: var('a,b,c,d,x,y')
>> (a, b, c, d, x, y)
>> sage: A=matrix(2,[a,b,c,d]); A
>> [a b]
>> [c d]
>> sage: result=vector([3,5]); result
>> (3, 5)
>> sage: soln=A.solve_right(result) # you could also do soln=A\result
>> sage: soln
>> (3/a - b*(5 - 3*c/a)/(a*(d - b*c/a)), (5 - 3*c/a)/(d - b*c/a))
>> Now, checking our answers:
>> sage: (a*x+b*y).subs(x=soln[0],y=soln[1]).simplify_full()
>> 3
>> sage: (c*x+d*y).subs(x=soln[0],y=soln[1]).simplify_full()
>> 5
>> Or just checking it with matrix multiplication:
>> sage: A*soln
>> (a*(3/a - b*(5 - 3*c/a)/(a*(d - b*c/a))) + b*(5 - 3*c/a)/(d - b*c/a),
>> c*(3/a - b*(5 - 3*c/a)/(a*(d - b*c/a))) + (5 - 3*c/a)*d/(d - b*c/a))
>> Let's simplify each entry by applying the "simplify_full" function to
>> each entry:
>> sage: (A*soln).apply_map(lambda x: x.simplify_full())
>> (3, 5)
>> This example probably ought to go into some documentation somewhere...
>> Jason
> > 

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