On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Jose Guzman wrote:
>> kcrisman wrote:
>>>> In looking at your code, I had an idea about specifying colors.  Why
>>>> don't we have some default color objects defined in Sage, like red,
>>>> blue, yellow, green, etc.  Methods could include .darker(), .lighter(),
>>>> etc.  So you could specify a plot as:
>>>> plot(x^2, (x,0,1), color=red)
>>>> plot(x^3, (x,0,1), color=blue.darker())
>>>> plot(x^4, (x,0,1), color=green.lighter())
>>>> plot(x^5, (x,0,1), color=red+blue) #gives purple :)
>>>> and then for the more esoteric names (all of the standard web colors,
>>>> all of the standard x11 colors, etc.), use the color namespace.
>>>> plot(sin(x), (x,0,1), color=color.goldenrod)
>>> This sounds great; presumably it wouldn't be too hard to do, if very
>>> annoying (particularly because some of the plot methods only allow
>>> rgbcolor, others allow cmap options, etc.) - though what if I want red
>>> to stand for some other Python/Sage object?  And of course only
>>> English colors would be there, and what about gray/grey ...
>>> By the way, other readers of this thread please note:
>>> sage: plot(x^2, (x,0,1), color='red')
>>> works fine!
>>> - kcrisman
>> I particularly like the  rgbcolor notation. That's the only way I found
>> to have vector graphic environment (i.e inkscape) to match with
>> matplotlib or sage . On the other hand I usually use some kind of ...
>> plot (x**2, (0,1), rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0) ) # dark green
>> because I found the default green color (rgbcolor=(0,1,0)) looks too
>> brilliant with some beamers when you give a talk. Anyway, I tried with
>> rgbcolor='blue' ,'red','green','yellow','black','orange' and worked fine.
> Yes, I'm saying that in addition to being able to pass a tuple or
> string, we'd be able to pass a sage color object.

That's a great idea, which is why I implemented it over a year ago :-)

sage: C = Color('red')    # a Sage color object
sage: C
RGB color (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
sage: C.html_color()
sage: plot(x^2, (x,0,1), color=C)

I think the only strings allowed in the Color constructor are:

    "red"   : (1.0,0.0,0.0),
    "orange": (1.0,.5,0.0),
    "yellow": (1.0,1.0,0.0),
    "green" : (0.0,1.0,0.0),
    "blue"  : (0.0,0.0,1.0),
    "purple": (.5,0.0,1.0),
    "white" : (1.0,1.0,1.0),
    "black" : (0.0,0.0,0.0),
    "grey"  : (.5,.5,.5)

You can also use any html color strings.

To give the functionality you want, you could add methods "lighter()"
and "darker()" to the existing color object.


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