> In looking at your code, I had an idea about specifying colors. Why
> don't we have some default color objects defined in Sage, like red,
> blue, yellow, green, etc. Methods could include .darker(), .lighter(),
> etc. So you could specify a plot as:
> plot(x^2, (x,0,1), color=red)
> plot(x^3, (x,0,1), color=blue.darker())
> plot(x^4, (x,0,1), color=green.lighter())
> plot(x^5, (x,0,1), color=red+blue) #gives purple :)
> and then for the more esoteric names (all of the standard web colors,
> all of the standard x11 colors, etc.), use the color namespace.
> plot(sin(x), (x,0,1), color=color.goldenrod)
This sounds great; presumably it wouldn't be too hard to do, if very
annoying (particularly because some of the plot methods only allow
rgbcolor, others allow cmap options, etc.) - though what if I want red
to stand for some other Python/Sage object? And of course only
English colors would be there, and what about gray/grey ...
By the way, other readers of this thread please note:
sage: plot(x^2, (x,0,1), color='red')
works fine!
- kcrisman
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