On Feb 26, 3:28 pm, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > *All* information -- worksheets, logins, etc. -- is in
> > /home/notebook/sage_notebook.  To migrate the entire notebook to a new
> > vmware image all you have to do is copy the sage_notebook directory
> > over.   That's what your sysadmin evidently tried maybe to do, and if
> > he/she were to do it then it would work fine.  Commands to do this:
> >   cd /home/notebook/
> >   tar jcvf sage_notebook.tar.bz2 sage_notebook
> >   scp sage_notebook.tar.bz2 [somewhere]
> > login to new machine
> >    cd /home/notebook
> >    rm -rf sage_notebook
> >    scp [somewhere]/sage_notebook.tar.bz2
> >    tar jxvf sage_notebook.tar.bz2
> We just tried that with upgrading (from 3.0.6) to 3.2.3, the most
> recent image available.  Apparently it did not work; I will ask for
> details and report back.  The only additional thing sysadmin did which
> is not above was to remove the (7 GB!!!) of snapshots which had been
> generated, but presumably that wouldn't cause a problem, would it?

sysadmin: "The instructions you included for copying the notebooks is
nearly exactly what I did except I didn't use bzip2 for compression
AND I excluded the snapshot files.  Even after restarting the system,
however, I was not able to log in unless I created a new notebook.  I
suppose I could try copying the snapshots, but there is a huge number
of them (perhaps several gigabytes worth)..."

Here are the instructions (apparently largely from Sage website or
wiki) followed:

Before starting machine
- use "Edit virtual machine settings" button to change
   (Hardware Tab)
   + Memory -> 1024MB
   + Ethernet 1 -> Bridged
   (Options Tab)
   + Startup/Shutdown

Start guest OS
- login using "manage" account and then type "sudo su -" to become
- use "tzconfig" program to set time zone to America/New_York.
- use "ntpdate ntp...edu" to set system clock.
- Create sage1 account with "adduser sage1"; enter password and "Sage
  for full name.
- Create a RSA SSH key for root: Use "ssh-keygen" program and leave
  passphrase empty.
- Become sage1 user and create .ssh directory: "su - sage1;
mkdir .ssh; exit"
- Copy /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to /home/sage1/.ssh/authorized_keys then
  sure this file is owned by sage1.sage1 and has permissions 0600.
- Important: from root account type "ssh sa...@localhost" and answer
yes to
  add localhost entry to root's known_hosts file.  No password should
  required.  Logout to return to the root account.
- Backup /etc/network/interfaces and modify it to use static IP
  <snip>, netmask, gateway <snip>, and broadcast
- Backup /usr/local/bin/notebook and modify it so that the string
  to "cmd" has the following adjustments: (1) change require_logins to
  (2) add the following four fields: "accounts=True,
  server_pool=['sa...@localhost'], ulimit='-v 500000', timeout=3600"
- set password for "manage" to something.
- set password for "login" to something other than "sage".
- Backup /etc/rc.local and modify it to add the lines
  "ntpdate ntp...edu" and "su - notebook" just before the exit 0
- restart machine

Could following these instructions to set up the server have caused
the server not to recognize the migrated notebook directory?

- kcrisman
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