Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get SAGE to work with Paraview (http://
www.paraview.org/), an open source data analysis and visualization
I simulate the cerebral blood flow and use SAGE to do some analysis of
the tree-structure of the brain's vasculature. So I have the vessel
network stored as a networkX graph within SAGE and I would like to
plot this graph from the SAGE command line (or notebook) using
paraview (Jmol won't do because the data are way too big).
I have the latest versions of both SAGE and Paraview (3.2.3 and 3.4.0
respectively) and use Mac OS X Leopard.

This is what I have tried so far:
Both the sage folder and the paraview.app reside in /Applications
>From the SAGE command line I've tried to set PYTHONPATH like so:
sage: sys.path.append('/Applications/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS')
sage: sys.path.append('/Applications/paraview.app/Contents/Resources/
In my bash .profile I have set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to the
paraview.app subfolder of dynamic libraries (/Applications/
sage: import servermanager as sm
fails with a fatal error, presumably because SAGE and Paraview use
different versions of python.

Has someone tried this before and can tell me how I can make both
softwares work together?
Any help is greatly appreciated,

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