2008/12/29 ggrafendorfer <georg.grafendor...@gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> thanks for all the answers, especially for John Cremona for being the
> only one recognizing what I actually wanted to point out :-)
> It's probably my fault, I'll take away obscuring examples the next
> time and try to focus on the issue
> For better understanding why I did "CC(-5).n(prec=100)" instead of the
> better "ComplexField(100)(-5)":
> Originally I just wanted the log of -5, but ln(-5) gives a "value
> error" and ln(-5.) returns NaN,
> so I wrote ln(CC(-5)) which works and returns a complex number, then I
> wanted to increase the precision of the result,
> and as -5 can be represented precisely in binary system I just wrote CC
> (-5).n(prec=100) which is the same as ComplexField(100)(-5) except
> that the number types are different:
> sage: a = CC(-5).n(prec=100)
> sage: b = ComplexField(100)(-5)
> sage: a == b
> True
> sage: type(a) == type(b)
> False
> sage: ln(a)
> NaN
> sage: ln(b)
> 1.6094379124341003746007593332 + 3.1415926535897932384626433833*I

I think that is a very good example, showing more clearly than the
original post what the problem is, and convincing me that the
behaviour of .n() should be changed as discussed earlier.  I am
opening a ticket for this now.


> Georg
> >

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