On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 5:11 PM, ggrafendorfer
<georg.grafendor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Developers,  (sage 3.2.2 on a 32-bit Athlon running Debian etch)
> I would report it to trac (tell me if I should), but I'm not sure if
> it's a bug,
> increasing precision of a complex number which has imaginary part zero
> results in a real number:
> this works:
> sage: a = CC(-5. + I*0.0001).n(prec=100)
> sage: type(a)
> <type 'sage.rings.complex_number.ComplexNumber'>
> sage: a.prec()
> 100
> but here a turns into a real number:
> sage: a = CC(-5 + I*0.).n(prec=100)
> sage: type(a)
> <type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber'>
> sage: a.prec()
> 100
> if this is a feature, than it's annoying, for example taking the
> logarithm of -5 with precision 100 than leads to
> sage: ln(CC(-5).n(prec=100))
> NaN
> I know how to do it the right way (ln(ComplexField(100)(-5)), but the
> above should work too, or?

You should do it the right way instead of the wrong way.  It is a very
bad idea to do stuff like "ln(CC(-5).n(prec=100))", which basically
says "take -5, think of it as a complex number with 53 bits of
precision, take the log, then view the answer as magically having 100
bits of precision by basically randomly making up the missing 47


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