On Dec 29, 2008, at 4:53 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

> On Dec 29, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Justin Walker wrote:
>> On Dec 29, 2008, at 3:32 PM, Santanu Sarkar wrote:
>>> I write a program in SAGE as follows:
>>> R.<x1,x2>=QQ[]
>>> M=matrix(R,1,2,[x1+x2,x1*x2])
>>> may i do following steps to extract polynomials from matrix?
>>> 1) x = list(M)
>>> 2) f1 = x[0]
>>> 3) f2 = x[1]
>>> is f1 & f2 are polynomials?
>>> if not how i can get them? please help me!
>> I think that
>> sage: x = M.list()
>> will do what you want.
>> I'm not sure why list(M) doesn't do "the right thing":
>> sage: list(M)
>>  [(x1 + x2, x1*x2)]
> list(M) gives a list of rows, not entries.
> sage: R.<x1,x2>=QQ[]
> sage: M=matrix(R,1,2,[x1+x2,x1*x2])
> sage: M[0]
> (x1 + x2, x1*x2)
> sage: parent(M[0])
> Ambient free module of rank 2 over the integral domain Multivariate
> Polynomial Ring in x1, x2 over Rational Field
> sage: list(M)[0]
> (x1 + x2, x1*x2)
> Same with indexing with using one index. Since matrices are two-
> dimensional, this seems to be the "right thing" for me.

Hmm...I see what you mean...

sage: N=matrix(R,2,1,[x1+x2,x1*x2])
sage: N

[x1 + x2]
[  x1*x2]
sage: y=list(N)
sage: y
  [(x1 + x2), (x1*x2)]

Curiouser and curiouser...

I guess one man's "object" is another man's ...

Is there some reason that "rows" trump "columns"?   Is this an  
artifact of implementation, e.g., a matrix is a list of rows?

Should "list(obj)" do "obj.list()"?

I'm more curious than complaining; seems a bit counterintuitive to me.


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
Like the ski resort full of girls hunting for husbands
and husbands hunting for girls, the situation is not
as symmetrical as it might seem.
   - Alan MacKay

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