On Oct 27, 2008, at 1:02 PM, Martin Rubey wrote:

> "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Martin Rubey  
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Dear William,
>>> thanks for your quick answer, even though it doesn't make me too  
>>> happy.  I'm
>>> having a hard time here, I must admit.

One thing to keep in mind is that Sage is not just a CAS. In fact,  
this is one of the areas that needs the most work, so thanks for your  
feedback in making things better.

>>> So far I thought that sage would do
>>> most things out of the box, and it's only inconsistent (eg.,  
>>> arguments to plot,
>>> plot3d and integrate vary wildly.  There are several functions  
>>> plot, plot3d,
>>> contour_plot, parametric_plot, etc. and not only one that decides  
>>> on the type
>> I don't see the problem in having more than one function name for  
>> plotting.
> Well, the problem is namespace pollution.  Already now, if I hit  
> tab after x, I
> get roughly 100 possible completions.  In a strongly typed  
> environment, this is
> unnecessary.  I do not see any benefit in having more than one name  
> to do one
> thing.  Of course, if the argument types are the same you will  
> probably need to
> have several functions.
>> Actually I think I agree with you about one (easily fixed)  
>> problem, since the
>> various plot functions might be hard to find. It would be nice for  
>> all
>> plotting functions to start with plot (eg, plot_parametric could  
>> be an alias
>> for parametric_plot), so the variations can be found by tab  
>> completion.
> Oh no, more namespace pollution :-)

I think that namespace pollution is an issue, but having the plot_xxx  
options actually helps. It's a question of how easily one can use the  
tab key to get the command one wants.

>>> Is there a way to obtain a power series solution to a  
>>> differential equation?
>> David Harvey implemented something for 1st order linear DEs of the  
>> form
>> y'=ay+b:
>> sage: R.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, default_prec=10)
>> sage: a = 2 - 3*t + 4*t^2 + O(t^10)
>> sage: b = 3 - 4*t^2 + O(t^7)
>> sage: a.solve_linear_de(prec=5, b=b, f0=3/5)
>> 3/5 + 21/5*t + 33/10*t^2 - 38/15*t^3 + 11/24*t^4 + O(t^5)
>>> Is there a way to solve an ODE?
>>> (ideally, without resorting to maxima or fricas syntax...)
>> Yes, in the 1st or 2nd order linear cases, but the methods call  
>> Maxima:
>>         sage: x = var('x')
>>         sage: y = function('y', x)
>>         sage: desolve(diff(y,x) + y - 1, y)
>>         e^(-x)*(e^x + c)
>>         sage: f = desolve(diff(y,x) + y - 1, y, ics=[10,2]); f
>>         e^(-x)*(e^x + e^10)
>>         sage: plot(f)
>> See calculus/desolvers for more details/examples. Hats off to
>> Robert Bradshaw for this.
> Ah, great.  That's exactly what I was looking for (except, why is  
> it called
> desolve and not solve, so I can find it...?)  And why is it a  
> function?

Solve means something different. It would be odd to change the  
behavior of solve to be "solve this diff eq" rather than "solve for  
this variable" whenever a derivative is present.

We should probably make this a method as well. The desolve would  
check to see if such method exists on its first argument. Sometimes,  
especially for calculus-like applications, functional notation is  
more natural.

- Robert

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