On Oct 6, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

> William Stein wrote:
>> 2008/10/6 Thierry Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I would like to know if someone as used Sage with undergraduate
>>> students. My question is mainly a question about the material which
>>> would be necessary.
>>> We are currently building a project (this means: asking for  
>>> money, doing
>>> a lot a bureaucracy and so on) on Sage in my University: the idea  
>>> is to
>>> start the replacement of  the current commercial system (Maple)  
>>> by Sage.
>>> Nowadays, students use Maple on a network of Windows machines.   
>>> We would
>>> like to make a large Sage server so that all the students use the  
>>> web
>>> interface.
>>> I can add to Sage an identification on the ldap server (actually  
>>> active
>>> directory) of the University, and Sage accounts will be  created
>>> automatically.
>>> The more difficult question for us is: which machine? One can  
>>> expect to
>>> have about 200 students using Sage at the same time, with large
>> There is no way you can have 200 students all using exactly one
>> sage notebook server on the same port *at the same time* and
>> have it feel snappy still.   I've done classes with 30 people at once
>> and that worked OK -- the server I used was sage.math (16 1.8Ghz
>> opterons from 2005).  If you ran say 6 different servers, even on the
>> same hardware, at once, that would probably work fairly well.
>> Probably using two of the 8-core 32GB of RAM machines you list
>> below, with say three sage notebook servers on each, would work
>> reasonably well.
>> If you publish the relevant notebooks the students need, and
>> just redirect students from some master login page to one of those
>> six distinct servers, this could work pretty well.
>>> subgroups of students doing the same thing at the same time. Ok,  
>>> as it
>>> is undergraduate students, they will not make very large  
>>> computations...
>>> But what about the "scalability" of Sage, of the web server?
>> To emphasize again, I doubt it scales to more than 30 users all  
>> hammering
>> the server at once.
>>> We are currently looking at machines with 2x4 core processors, 32  
>>> gb of
>>> RAM, 2x450 Gb of disk (raid1). Larger machines exists, but are  
>>> extremely
>>> expensive. We can ask for two machines like this.
>>> As anyone some experience in this domain?
>> sagenb.org obviously has a lot of usage.
>> I basically started it as a server from scratch
>> 1 month ago, and over 750 people created
>> accounts on it during the last month.
> Can anyone comment on the possibility of running 25-30 sage sessions
> from the command line on a modest configuration?  In other words,  
> is the
> problem in running 25-30 sage processes, or is the bottleneck in the
> webserver and notebook interface?

Yep, I remember someone a while back was going to convert the  
interface to use a database backend to make it scale better, but I  
don't think it ever got finished.

As a workaround, you could start up several notebooks at once and  
assign 20 or so students per port, which should work fine.

- Robert

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