
I've built sage (3.0.1) on my ubuntu 8.4 and the build worked just
fine. But whenever I want  to use sage, I get an error for every
command I've tried so far.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.sage$ ./sage
| SAGE Version 3.0.1, Release Date: 2008-05-05                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: 2+2
Timeout exceeded in read_nonblocking().
<pexpect.spawn instance at 0xb5cf586c>
version: 2.0 ($Revision: 1.151 $)
command: /home/mozork/.sage/gap
args: ['/home/mozork/.sage/gap', '-b', '-p', '-T', '-o', '3900m', '/
buffer (last 100 chars):
before (last 100 chars):
after: <class 'pexpect.TIMEOUT'>
match: None
match_index: None
exitstatus: None
flag_eof: 0
pid: 3275
child_fd: 14
timeout: 30
delimiter: <class 'pexpect.EOF'>
logfile: None
maxread: 100000
searchwindowsize: None
delaybeforesend: 0

If it might help to see the install log, how can I append the file
here? (Copying it seems like overkill to me...)

I hope I can be helped. ;)
Thanks, Mozork

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