On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Hector Villafuerte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I was trying to make an animation in SAGE of a transverse wave that
>  would look something like this:
>  http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/index.php?topic=35.0
>  or even this:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Onde_cisaillement_impulsion_1d_30_petit.gif
>  It though seems that 'animate' can't handle 3D plots (yet!). Here's
>  some code of what I've done:
>  sage: stepJ = float(pi/6)
>  sage: stepK = float(0.1)
>  sage: A = float(2*pi)
>  sage: J = srange(-A,A,stepJ)
>  sage: K = srange(-A,A,stepK)
>  sage: V = []
>  sage: for j in J:
>  ...       p0 = point3d([(k,sin(k+j),0) for k in K], size=3, viewer='tachyon')
>  ...       p1 = point3d([(k,0,sin(k+j)) for k in K], size=3,
>  viewer='tachyon', color='red')
>  ...       P = p0 + p1
>  ...       V.append(P)
>  sage: a = animate(V)
>  sage: a.show()
>  Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

I wrote animate long long before Sage had any 3d plotting support.
You could save each image to a file as a png file (using tachyon rendering,
which as discussed in another thread currently pops up a window when
you do a.show('foo.png') unfortunately).  Then convert the png's
to an animated gif using the ImageMagick convert command, like
Sage's animate does.

Basically, the above would work and look good, but would require
fixing some issues with Sage.   Go for it!

 -- William

 -- William

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