I was trying to make an animation in SAGE of a transverse wave that
would look something like this:

or even this:

It though seems that 'animate' can't handle 3D plots (yet!). Here's
some code of what I've done:

sage: stepJ = float(pi/6)
sage: stepK = float(0.1)
sage: A = float(2*pi)
sage: J = srange(-A,A,stepJ)
sage: K = srange(-A,A,stepK)
sage: V = []
sage: for j in J:
...       p0 = point3d([(k,sin(k+j),0) for k in K], size=3, viewer='tachyon')
...       p1 = point3d([(k,0,sin(k+j)) for k in K], size=3,
viewer='tachyon', color='red')
...       P = p0 + p1
...       V.append(P)
sage: a = animate(V)
sage: a.show()

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

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