On Dec 17, 2007 5:28 PM, kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert M said: Have you tried putting from sage.matrix.constructor
> import matrix before M = matrix()?
> That was a good idea!  Unfortunately, it didn't work, even when trying
> the file in several different directories (is that possibly what's
> wrong?).  I used this, and the same "matrix as global variable"
> problem arose.
>         EXAMPLES:
>         Here is my only example.
>                 sage: from DoNothing import *
>                 sage: from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
>                 sage: donothing(5)
>         """
>          M  = matrix()
> Interestingly, if I changed the example to try to import something
> nonsensical, like
> sage: from sage.matrix.constructor import jabba
> then sage -t correctly tells me that I am trying to import something
> nonexistent as an error, so I presume (perhaps wrongly) that matrix is
> getting imported when I use the correct syntax.  Nonetheless I get
> this same global variable problem once I switch back to importing
> 'matrix' (or not importing at all).
> Point of information is that I am still at 2.8.12 as I am a little
> afraid of losing my notebook files with -upgrade, but I don't think
> that would affect things either.

Upgrading will not make you lose any notebook files or otherwise
corrupt them.  The one difference is that in sage-2.8.>=15 when you do

   sage -notebook

it creates the notebook state files in


instead of the current directory.    You can still use the sage notebook
files in the current directory by doing

  sage -notebook sage_notebook

Regarding your questions above, here are three examples that
each involve doctesting:

Doctesting a .sage file:

rank4:tmp was$ more nothing.sage
def foo():
    sage: foo()
    return matrix()
rank4:tmp was$ sage -t nothing.sage
sage -t  nothing.sage
Example 0 (line 2)
         [2.3 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 2.3 seconds

Doctesting a .py file that uses sage:

rank4:tmp was$ more a.py
from sage.all import matrix

def foo():
    sage: from a import *
    sage: foo()
    return matrix()
rank4:tmp was$ sage -t a.py
sage -t  a.py
         [1.6 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 1.6 seconds

Doctesting a py file that happens to use Sage, but
using the standard Python doctest framework.

rank4:tmp was$ more b.py
from sage.all import matrix

def foo():
    >>> foo()
    return matrix()

if __name__ ==  '__main__':
    import doctest, sys
    s = doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__], verbose=True)

rank4:tmp was$ sage -python b.py
1 items had no tests:
1 items passed all tests:
   1 tests in __main__.foo
1 tests in 2 items.
1 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

 -- William

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