
Have you tried putting from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
before M = matrix()?

The problem is that on the Sage command line, a lot of things are
imported for you, but "modules" such as DoNothing.py don't import
anything. You have to say so explicitly. If you're using a function on
the command line, two ??'s will tell you where to import from:

sage: matrix??
File:           /Volumes/HOME/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
def matrix(arg0=None, arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3=None, sparse=None):

-- Robert M

On Dec 14, 4:50 pm, kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does matrix work in sage -t mode?
> The following works at the command line, of course:
> sage: matrix()
> []
> But if I create a file DoNothing.py which has as its only code
> matrix(), and then try to test it, the following happens (ellipses for
> readability).  If I replace matrix() by range(n) or something else,
> there are no problems and the test is successful - after all, there is
> no output, and that's what the example demands.  I've tried numerous
> variations on this, and everything else I've written tests fine - just
> things with 'matrix' or its variants don't, and they all give the same
> error about matrix being a global variable.
> Thanks for any advice!  Apologies if I missed this elsewhere.
> - kcrisman
> sage -t  Desktop/computer/SAGE/DoNothing.py
> **********************************************************************
> File "DoNothing.py", line 10:
>     ge: donothing(5)
> Exception raised:
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "/Applications/.../lib/python/doctest.py", line 1212, in
> __run
>         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
>       File "<doctest __main__.example_0[1]>", line 1, in <module>
>         donothing(Integer(5))###line 10:
>     ge: donothing(5)
>       File "/Users/.../DoNothing.py", line 13, in donothing
>         M  = matrix()
>     NameError: global name 'matrix' is not defined
> **********************************************************************
> 1 items had failures:
>    1 of   2 in __main__.example_0
> ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
> For whitespace errors, see the file .doctest_DoNothing.py
>          [7.3 s]
> exit code: 256
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The following tests failed:
>         sage -t  Desktop/computer/SAGE/DoNothing.py
> Total time for all tests: 7.4 seconds
> Here is DoNothing.py .
> def donothing(n):
>         """This function does nothing useful.
>         INPUT:
>                 n -- an integer
>         EXAMPLES:
>         Here is my only example.
>                 sage: from DoNothing import *
>                 sage: donothing(5)
>         """
>         M  = matrix()
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