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Thanks for the reply.  I seem to have asked my question the wrong way: I
want the curve which is the graph of the function, and I want the
horizontal line which is the x-axis, and the vertical line which is the
y-axis.  I do not want ticks along the axes and I do not want numbers
along the axes.

Also, I need to save the result into a png file (for instance), and save
does not have the axes=False option (not a big deal, see below).

Right now I am sidestepping the issue by doing

sage: G = plot(-x*(x-2)*(x-7), -1, 7.5, rgbcolor=(0,0,1))
sage: x = line([[-2,0],[8,0]], rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
sage: y = line([[0,-25],[0,35]], rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
sage: P = G+x+y
sage: P.axes(False)
sage: P.save('graph.png')

So I draw the graph, draw the two axes in as lines, put these together,
ask for the default axes to not be included, then save.  It's a bit of a
pain: to draw the axes in, I have to figure out what the ranges should
be, etc.

Is there a better way?


alex clemesha wrote:
> Hi,
> The axes are an argument of 'show', for example:
> show(plot(cos(x), -6, 6), axes=False)
> type 'show?' to see other options.
> Alex
> On 9/20/07, *Alex Ghitza* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to plot some simple functions in one variable (e.g. x^3, cos(x),
> etc.).  The graphs come out very nice, but the axes have ticks, some of
> which are labeled with the corresponding numbers.  I would like the axes
> to be bare, so with only the actual lines appearing.
> I've looked at the plotting docs, but I couldn't find a way to achieve
> this.  Any help would be appreciated!
> Best,
> Alex


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