On Sep 10, 2007, at 21:34 , William Stein wrote:

> On 9/10/07, Nikos Apostolakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is it possible to have the variables that appear in "for" loops and
>> other such constructs to be "dummy" in the mathematical sence
>> (probably the cs term is "local")?  The current behavior, in which
>> after the loop is completed the loop variable is _still_ set to the
>> last value it assumed, is very confusing -- at least to me.  For
>> example, it took me some time to realize the mistake in the follow
>> sequence of commands:
>> f(x) = sin(x)/x
>> for x in [1.0/2^i for i in range(1,15)]:
>>     print x, f(x)
>> for x in [-1.0/2^i for i in range(1,15)]:
>>     print x, f(x)
>> plot(f(x), -1, 1)
>> I believe that a lot of mathematicians and students will be confused
>> by this behavior.  At least for the Calculus part I think that it
>> would be a good idea to have a "mathematical for" in which the
>> looping variable is automatically reset after the completion of the
>> loop. IMHO, this is more in agreement with common mathematical
>> practice.
> There is absolutely nothing that can be done in SAGE about this.
> It's a design decision that was made in the Python programming
> language, and we have to live with it so long as Python behaves
> this way.  This is part of using a mainstream language instead of
> inventing our own.
> That said, I vaguely recall Guido van Rosum saying that he was
> seriously considering changing this behavior in "Python 3000",
> i.e., the version of Python that will seriously break backwards
> compatibility.     I have no idea what will really happen.

Other than lots of code breaking :-}

> I think the reason Python behaves as it does now with respect
> to variables used in loops is that it is exactly how C behaves, or at
> least how C behaved when Python was first written in the early
> 1990's.  I.e,. in (old) C you had:
>  void foo() {
>       declare *all* variables here
>       for (n=0; n<10; n++)
>            do something
>      // now n is 10
> }

This is the way C is defined.  I'd be surprised if it would change.


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
"Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals.
  Well, except the weasel."
       - Homer J Simpson

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