On 9/5/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
\> Yes, so I found FreeMonoid after sending my first e-mail and was testing it
> out.  I think I may have found something that is not implemented:
> sage: a=FreeMonoid(1,'a').0
> sage: a*a
> a^2
> sage: a.substitute(5)
> a  # should be 5?
> sage: a.substitute(a=5)
> a  # should be 5?
> I would have expected those last two results to be 5 -- am I missing
> something?

The whole "substitute" architecture was implemented in SAGE
long after monoids were implemented.  So you'll have to implement
monoid substitution and send me a patch.  I made a trac ticket for you:


> I guess substituting isn't an entirely common operation for free
> monoids, but it seems to be a sensibly defined operation.  Then again, maybe
> not:
> sage: M.<x,y> = FreeMonoid(2)
> sage: (x*y).substitute(x=1)
> x*y  # I would think that this is 1*y

> I find that result unsatisfactory as well, but I sure don't have a good idea
> about what ring (?) the result '1*y' would be a part of.

Just do the arithmetic.    All monoids have a 1 by definition, so 1*y
is just "y"
in that monoid.


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