On 9/5/07, Joel B. Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm wishing for a ZZ[x,y] where xy!=yx, but I can't seem to find the way to
> construct such a creature.  Is it not yet implemented?
> In reality, I really only want a monomial so it pretty much boils down to a
> free group on x and y, but the polynomial ring would make for some pretty
> syntax elsewhere in my application (i.e. substituting matrices in for x & y).

sage: R.<x,y> = FreeAlgebra(ZZ,2)
sage: R
Free Algebra on 2 generators (x, y) over Integer Ring
sage: x*y - y*x
x*y - y*x

Or maybe you really want a free monoid?

sage: M.<x,y> = FreeMonoid(2)
sage: x*y*x*x*y
sage: (x*y*x*x*y)^3

David Kohel wrote FreeMonoid and FreeAlgebra, by the way....


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