I apologise for delaying this reply, I just got back home.
My concern is to allow users to experiment with this script I am doing
without requiring them to install wxpython, floatspin, numpy, pyaudiolab,
matplotlib... Some of these have to be installed manually on SAGE's python
interpreter. I intend to make a plain and easy "install and run". If I was
not doing this research, I would like to try this little app but would be in
trouble installing all externals necessary.
I donĀ“t want to lose group manipulation facilities because this research is
in development and I am not really sure where we are heading, that is
exactly why we are researching.

Joshua, thanks. Here are some points about what you've came up with:
In our current status, if I can store groups in a data bank, that would make
the app run faster (I suppose), and would, maybe, make the final app free
from sage, running on a python interpreter with external packages. In that
case, I would be able to make the executable with cx_freeze. That seems
perfect, and I don't mind having a 15Mb group bank, that is nothing for
today's standards, imho. And, that way, I could still use SAGE for
development, without attacking my framework. And I could make a little
script for making a bank based executable out of a in development version.
As far as I can see, sage permutations are functions:
sage: list(c)[5]
sage: list(c)[5](3)
sage: list(c)[5](5)
sage: list(c)[5](10)

i am thinking about storing groups as a set of tuples that are translated to
these sort of functions, so I won't have to alter the script much in order
to make the executable. I would than make a .py 'group bank' and import it
as a module.
 As I understand, that is one option out of what you proposed.
One true question arises:
I would like to have all groups that acts, say, on 10 elements (groups with
degree 10?) and list all subgroups of each of these groups. Is there a way
that I can request this output from sage.

thankful good wishes,
gk or Renato

On 7/25/07, Joshua Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I am guessing you are intererested in having subgroups of the
> permutation group acting on tone rows or something along those lines.
> Do you actually need to have the ability to manipulate groups in your
> final application or are you using sage to find some set of
> interesting groups and only intend to deal with those.
> In the the latter case I think your solution number 2 is more likely
> to be reasonable.
> if you could write two functions.
> 1. A function that takes any (finite) group and automaticallly stores
> some easy representation (tuples representing permutations as you say)
> 2. A function that can read in that file and from that apply the
> action of the group to a set of elements.
> Then you could do your experimentation in SAGE, but you could easily
> export any group in such a way that the action of its elements could
> by computed only using python.
> If you actually need to manipulate groups and need to use GAP its more
> complicated.
> SAGE uses gap by actually running a gap process and piping commands in
> and  reading the response out. This involves some somewhat tricky
> python. To use gap you would have to take this interface  (or write
> you own) and if you wanted to distribute it you would have to package
> it all up so that gap was automatically installed and then used by
> your python code.  (this isn't too bad on linux/mac, on windows its
> probably harder)
> I'm curious why you are so concerned about it being a compiled
> executable. Python is on most linux machines (and easy to install) and
> on all macs. On those machines python scripts are just as executable
> as any binary. Is this for use on windows machines?
> Josh
> On Jul 24, 10:10 am, "William Stein" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/24/07, Green Kobold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks William, that was very elucidating. BTW, SAGE was very helpful
> in
> > > some recent developments, I indeed mentioned SAGE with some emphasis
> on a
> > > computer music article recently accepted (if it helps SAGE project, I
> can
> > > send some infos in the occasion of its publication).
> >
> > Yes, it would help SAGE greatly if you could send some info.
> > I'll post a link or info about the publication here:
> >     http://sagemath.org/pub.html
> >
> > > back to the executable issue:
> > > I am not very experienced with programming, actually I only know a
> little of
> > > python. So I can spend some weeks on a senseless plan b.  I've already
> done
> > > some executables from python code, using cx_freeze.
> >
> > I don't know really anything more useful
> > about making standalone executables from
> > python, etc., code, like you're discussing, unfortunately.
> > Sorry.  I hope somebody else has some ideas.
> >
> >  -- william
> >

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