Thanks William, that was very elucidating. BTW, SAGE was very helpful in
some recent developments, I indeed mentioned SAGE with some emphasis on a
computer music article recently accepted (if it helps SAGE project, I can
send some infos in the occasion of its publication).

back to the executable issue:
I am not very experienced with programming, actually I only know a little of
python. So I can spend some weeks on a senseless plan b.  I've already done
some executables from python code, using cx_freeze. The code used external
libraries like numpy, and the scripts ran without requiring a python
For now, I am using only groups and permutations from SAGE, I think those
features comes from GAP.
The prototype is running in this SAGE framework. Two ways to make this
executable comes to my mind:
1) Porting the Group/SAGE portion of the code to GAP, leaving the rest as
python code, and making executables with cx_freeze and GAP. And linking this
executables. But I don't have a clue of how to make this link, I would try
to write and read .txt files, that doesn't seem right.
Instruções aos Autores de Contribuições para o SIBGRAPI 2) Making a bank of
groups with its individual elements (maybe as tuples representing
permutations), for all this app is currently doing, roughly speaking, is
applying a chosen group's elements in sound parameters.

I prefer the 1st approach since this app is being developed and I don't want
to loose group manipulation facilities.
Does anyone know if any of these ideas would work? Is there a better way to
make this?

Thanks again,

On 7/24/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/23/07, Green Kobold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to make a compiled code out of a sage code that uses
> > external python libraries like wxpython. The idea is to make this
> > little experimental app, that uses sage, available for other users.
> > First, the .spyx run doens't accept "from sage.all import *". Ok, I
> > took it off, hoping that it would automatically load sage objects.
> > Than I ran it like: ./sage ../...../FIGUS.spyx. It seems to have
> > compiled okay.
> >
> > There is now a:
> >
> >
> > Can anyone help me with _any_ of these topics:
> > 1) Is there a way in which I could use the compiled code directly,
> > running the app outside SAGE, like a standard executable?
> No, unless the program hardly uses any of the SAGE library, and
> you can explicitly extract the relevant code from SAGE for
> your application.
> > 2) How can I make this executable installable in other machines,
> > without requiring users to install SAGE, install external libraries,
> > and running the .spyx?
> Unfortunately not.
> The point of spyx files is *not* to create a standalone application
> that uses some functionality of SAGE.  They exist solely to
>    (1) make it easier to make optimized code, and
>    (2) make it easier to access external C/C++ library code.
> > If one think it is the case, any suggestion of reading is welcome as
> >
> > thanks in advance,
> Feel free to ask further questions, etc.
>  -- William
> >

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