Hello John,
In fact I missunderstood the message ... lol
I tried to play with words... But I miss it !
Le french academia of sciences is behaving like inquisitors... Controversy 
often brings new valuable ideas...
For example Leibniz and newton about vis viva ...

Le mardi 22 août 2017 04:08:18 UTC+2, john_perry_usm a écrit :
> Greetings! 
> You knew today’s eclipse was a bad omen, didn’t you? Indeed, a new e-copy 
> of the Sage-based text, “Peering into Advanced Mathematics with 
> Sage-Colored Glasses,” is now available at this website: 
>     www.math.usm.edu/dont_panic 
> Various new features include: 
>   - a huge number of typos have been fixed! 
>     (special thanks to Valerio de Angelis at the University of New 
> Orleans) 
>   - a few changes to exposition based on classroom experience 
>   - references to “SageMathCloud” updated to “CoCalc” 
>   - at least one new activity in the Encyclopædia Laboratorica! 
>   - source files now available directly from the website 
> If it interests you, take a gander! 
> sincerely 
> john perry 
> PS The older edition is available in both full-color and black-and-white 
> hardcopies at lulu.com, while the newer edition will be available in 
> hardcopy Real Soon Now (TM). There is no obligation to buy, not even if you 
> want a paper edition, since the downloadable edition is the same thing 
> (modulo felled trees + chemistry) and you can use it to print, photocopy, 
> share, edit, and all the rest, even for the sake of filthy lucre, without 
> paying us one red cent. (That said, if you want to support Sage & 
> scholarships, feel free to buy a hardcopy.) 
> — 
> John Perry + john....@usm.edu <javascript:> 
> Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics 
> University of Southern Mississippi, Box 5045 
> Hattiesburg MS 39406 
> You can’t have gone to a good school. Special subjects at our school 
> included French, music, ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision, 
> and washing clothes. 
> — the Griffin, Alice in Wonderland 

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