
You knew today’s eclipse was a bad omen, didn’t you? Indeed, a new e-copy of 
the Sage-based text, “Peering into Advanced Mathematics with Sage-Colored 
Glasses,” is now available at this website:

Various new features include:

  - a huge number of typos have been fixed!
    (special thanks to Valerio de Angelis at the University of New Orleans)
  - a few changes to exposition based on classroom experience
  - references to “SageMathCloud” updated to “CoCalc”
  - at least one new activity in the Encyclopædia Laboratorica!
  - source files now available directly from the website

If it interests you, take a gander!

john perry

PS The older edition is available in both full-color and black-and-white 
hardcopies at, while the newer edition will be available in hardcopy 
Real Soon Now (TM). There is no obligation to buy, not even if you want a paper 
edition, since the downloadable edition is the same thing (modulo felled trees 
+ chemistry) and you can use it to print, photocopy, share, edit, and all the 
rest, even for the sake of filthy lucre, without paying us one red cent. (That 
said, if you want to support Sage & scholarships, feel free to buy a hardcopy.)

John Perry +
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Southern Mississippi, Box 5045
Hattiesburg MS 39406

You can’t have gone to a good school. Special subjects at our school included 
French, music, ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision, and washing 
— the Griffin, Alice in Wonderland

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