David wrote:

> However, it's my personal opinion that the output is not readable by a
> student at the level we are discussing (which is very very low). I
> could be wrong. Just my 2 cents.

It turns out the program in the video is based on the following
research that was done in 1987:


This research indicates that students as low as the 7th grade should
have no problems learning math using expression trees. I have not
tested the program with students this young yet, but I have tested it
with the college freshman I teach, and it has been able to fix long
held misconceptions a number of them had about how math works.

> Another idea: Why not break the 20 or so steps to solve a problem down
> to questions? Each step would be presented, follow by "Is this
> correct? (Y/N)" Occasionally, present a wrong step (eg, subtracting a
> 3 instead of a 4). If they answer incorrectly, just put them back on
> the right path. If they answer correctly, give them a point or a star
> or something.

This shouldn't be too difficult to implement. However, how would the
software know why the user answered incorrectly when they do?


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