YAY and HOORAY!  Congratulations, I know you guys have been working hard on 
a lot of good materials at USM.

On Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 12:29:56 AM UTC-4, john_perry_usm wrote:
> Dear Sage-edu readers
> My institution offers a special course for math and math licensure majors 
> which relies on a computer algebra system. Some years ago, we decided to 
> switch from a proprietary system to Sage, and we haven't regretted it, 
> except for one thing: we couldn't really find a textbook that quite met our 
> curious mix of needs. So, we resolved to write our own, and the selfsame 
> institution supported us with a summer grant.
> It took a while, and we attach the result both for your silent 
> entertainment (e.g., "It took them this long to write THIS?!?") and for 
> your constructive input, if you wish. We are interested in any relevant 
> input (not e.g., "It took them this long to write THIS?!?" but, for 
> instance, everything from the title & the license to the very goals, 
> organization, and structure, to say nothing of unjustifiable outright 
> mendacity -- you might have to read a little bit to see what we mean by 
> that).
> We will use this in our Spring edition of the course (no humane treatment 
> board approval required, amazingly) but the electronic text will be 
> available at no charge, and with our current publishing arrangement 
> (non-peer-reviewed, on demand publisher) we can submit revisions at any 
> time & know that future printings will incorporate the changes. Eventually 
> we may seek a more traditional publishing arrangement, if only for a formal 
> peer review, but regardless we first would like input on the text itself 
> from smart people who are interested in using Sage for education -- as 
> that, perhaps, is the best sort of peer review we could use.
> If nothing else, we hope it conveys our respect for the Sage community.
> regards
> john perry

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