On Saturday, 1 August 2015 01:03:25 UTC+1, Rob Beezer wrote:
> On Friday, July 31, 2015 at 4:06:01 PM UTC-7, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> You don't need a closing tag that can be inserted by software, 
>> as certainly is the case for \section or \item..
>> (unless you spent a large part of your life writing HTML or XML by hand, 
>> of course :-))
> So where does a LaTeX "subparagraph" end?  When the next line is a \begin 
> for another subparagraph, or a paragraph, or a subsubsection, or a 
> subsection, or a section, or a chapter, or a part, or the \end{document}.
> LaTeX is not an ideal system either, it's over-bloated monster. And 
subparagraph is one of its severely deformed and brain-damaged at birth 
heads. But XML is a step back in my view. Lately I find myself using plain 
TeX and markdown more...

By the way, some years ago I tried to participate in an effort to write a 
book in texmacs (www.texmacs.org). Time and time again one needed to edit 
plain XML (or something XML-like, IIRC), to make it do the right thing...  

> And if it is so easy to convert LaTeX into HTML, why hasn't anybody done 
> it successfully?  tex4ht  is the only one I know that comes close, and only 
> because it is the only one that uses the tex executable.
sure, why is this bad to use the tex executable? Because it has to be done 
on the fly in your browser? Well, I cannot care less -- perhaps someone 
should develop a NaCL implementation of (La)TeX to be runnable in the 


>   But try to extend it to convert LaTeX into a Sage Notebook worksheet, 
> like I did for several years.    Current project is borne of many such 
> experiences.


> I wish Knuth did review (X)HTML format proposals for sanity...
> Me too. ;-) 

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