In the integrand below, is f simply a function of y or does it also depend
on x?

On Jul 26, 2015, at 04:25, sairam <> wrote:
> <>
> Hi
> I am new bie to sagemath and trying to find the analytical integration for
> the above.
> I have used the following expressions in sagemath
> x, y, a, f = var('x,y,a,f')

f = function("f", x)
f = function("f",x,y)

integrate(integrate((diff(f))*(exp(-a*x^2)*cos(y)^2*sin(x)^3), x, 0, pi),
> y, -pi, pi)
In the first case, you want

x, y, a= var('x,y,a')
f = function("f", x)
integrate(integrate((diff(f,x))*(exp(-a*x^2)*cos(y)^2*sin(x)^3), x, 0, pi),
y, -pi, pi)

which will give you the partially evaluated integral.

The sagemath tutorials have more examples.

> Though it gives output for the above expression, it does not consider the
> term differential of f,  can you please let me know how to include the
> differential in the integration.
> If I use the following, which includes differential with respect to y, it
> does not run but dumps an error
> integrate(integrate((diff(f), y)*(exp(-a*x^2)*cos(y)^2*sin(x)^3), x, 0,
> pi), y, -pi, pi)
> Any help for  solving the above integration will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> sairam

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