On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:22 AM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> To Vladimir: The project is geared toward students at the high schools and
>> teachers. We are planing to write some lectures about Sage in each country's
>> native language and publish on the web  but localizing the software is not
>> in our project schedule. But I am willing to localize Sage in Turkish so
>> long as the project continues.
> Just curious on how that may have come along.  At least for the notebook it
> would be great to have some additional localization - and it would be a good
> step toward localizing the cloud, or Sage proper, etc.

I would love to do Hindi and Punjabi translations(Indian Languages).
Please provide the steps to do.


Arshpreet Singh
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